Saturday, November 5, 2016

Samurai formation / Cypher Unknown

I write what my mind tells me don't judge what you don't understand

Found black stones / the pathway filled with barefoot soldiers with back packs filled with spit ammunition / side pockets / spray cans ready on trigger for the mission / me and my kind gatta wait for the Sun to subside to prevail / we dwell in a Batman like confusion/ making sense to city's like Nairobi and Gotham at night / perfect sights of space probes / aliens speaking in tongues / only understood by one dope veined on my corner / dirty dressed dweller decyphering messages sent from next galaxy to this / this / words we conflict to as we speak / mixing metaphors to form basic syntaxes / unfamiliar terms / mum please guide and bless me from this unseen path / get bitten by a venomous snake / my symphony absorbs the poisonous taste / meteors rushing fast / in a direction known to us / earth / we  observed as the dinosaurs got smashed / fate easily told in a flash / open a fortune cookie to relieve your past / heavens open up  dark angels fall back / Elohim / throws a split light fragment on my path / producing sparks in the galaxy / as heat waves vaporize sand storms / all this find lost sun on black stones / divided on an angelic and a spell bound demonic crossroads / narrow pockets / dark sights that only the veins walk easy in them /

On second thoughts I just flow my mind on a realm that is Kellah filled, to understand the top of this is superior / like now you exposed to the deadliest bacteria in a perfect world society / don't question my words they come out plain and then other appear totally empty in a wrap sequence if I'm the writer / no blocks expected/ growing nose Pinocchio fantasy after my split theories / front on it / lie down and look up to the sky hoping for a shooting star for wishes that are pure nonsense / you hope to make a clean start to a previous end / left you in mixed personality / i own your identity like Apple / you can't be the next president as your parents told you / present controlled with compliments that came spinning at you / smiles and beautiful makeup filled skeletons passed / won't stop now / my thoughts still have space to roam / like Paul Mc Cathy walking out to open space  on a dubbed life mission / when I stop writing  / scientific facts held at ransom be the atoms / that fill up your main stream street / now no sense of the dope universal interpreter / black stones / that followed deep be the intelligent body that lives depend on / so I exhale only to offer metal tooled mic holding cats / to help explain this lines / stuck on biological pains fitted on spines / no response / so the aliens invade to define / gravity elevation / stuck in a sense of / Hell no / myths of area 57's..I'm just opening my mental to the black stones I step on / he never stops talking / dope veined in a cell of his own / we above the league of shadows / darkness is a Melanin with me / I bare the mark of black like Michael Kellah from Africa Kenya / the foundation that I came from / cycle your planet at night from a far and walk among you at day break in this form.