Love is..
Love is..give it a name, give it a pattern, give it the sky, watch the stars, give them names.. constellations seen from a far, but love is, close, on this earth, closer than the universe, love is, forget the objects, coz love is beyond all this worldly projects, love is simple, call it telepathic, mutual in away thats not physical, some call it spiritual in a romans gods world. But still love is..acres of this world shared, seconds to minutes, minutes to hours, it’s those special moments before i move from hours to years.. thats what love is..
The beauty of black hair turn grey, say it before you leave this planet. Don’t call it blind, open up your eyes and see what love is. because love is pure when not seen, love is a feeling, that slight gesture, that brain effect that makes you turn to each others reflection, love is, involuntary body movement, a scent that is recognised, a bodily brush that can’t be denied, love is everything else but blind, love is beautiful, love is understanding, love is bliss. The zen of a quiet spring breeze, falling leaves. The connection of two beings. Love is blind in a dark night full of stars, love is that night lit light to guide you back home. Love is peace and everything else but blind. Love is, just love.